Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Where To Go To Meet Someone

Are you longing to meet someone but don't know where to go? Would you like to discover some new venues for meeting people to date?

It is easy to fall into a pattern of going to the same places over and over, doing the same activities, looking to connect with a potential romance, only to leave feeling alone and hopeless. Perhaps you need an infusion of imagination, courage, and new ideas of where to look for love.

What have you always wanted to do but put it off because you didn't have time? What have you often thought might be fun, but didn't explore because you were too timid, or busy, or didn't have anyone to go with? Now is the time to seize those ideas and do something about them.

Groups of people who share your excitement for certain activities will be a strong place for meeting someone.

Find a subject you have wanted to know more about. This will give you a dose of energy and enthusiasm. When your emotions are actively engaged and you are looking forward to what you are doing, you become very attractive.

Start with an adult school catalog. Look into taking classes in any of the following:

Interest Group List

Foreign languages, travel, business and marketing, communications, computer skills, time management, investing, gardening, oil painting, sculpture, watercolors, carpentry, mechanics, writing (fiction, memoir, mystery, how-to), music appreciation, acting, singing, piano, cello, guitar, violin, photography, anthropology, cooking, wine tasting, social dancing, relationships, yoga, meditation, chess, and needle work.

Consider some new sports that you have never tried before such as: horse shoes, kick boxing, karate, racquet ball, tennis, baseball, soccer, field hockey, rock climbing, fishing, volleyball, cycling, caving, kayaking, horseback riding, hiking, golf, water skiing, snow skiing, snow shoeing, snow boarding, swimming, diving, roller blading, and ice skating.

Let this list be a beginning. Make a plan for the month of places to go. Go with a friend or go alone. Just go.Between the change in your usual routine and your new interest groups, you will increase the volume of your selection pool.

Don't forget to have fun.

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